Save a priest

Mary says:1 “Woe to those priests who lose their apostolic ardour! Also Jesus said that. But woe also to those who think that they are right in despising them! Because they consecrate and hand out the True Bread that descends from Heaven. And that contact makes...

Why we fail to get better

“Man, every man, possesses in himself the image which God has conceived of for Man. But not all men possess the likeness to God in themselves.”1 If all have God’s image, how is it possible they do not have his likeness? Read on how the loss of...

The Gift

You are the gift. You:  your soul created and sustained by the spirit of God and manifested through your body – your smile, your glance, your touch, your voice. Your mind and all the innate gifts God endowed you with, these constitute the gift that is you. I cannot be...

The Wealth, Intoxication and Waste of Free Will

After endowing us with a living, intelligent soul, free will was the greatest gift of God. Free will is the starting point of our personal freedom. But it also is a test. With it, we can attempt whatever we choose or dare.  It’s as if God loaded our personal...

A kingdom divided

[The following is from Poem of the Man-God, Maria Valtorta,  pp. 721-727; used by permission of  the publisher Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri FR, Italy] The possessed man has been led before Jesus. He is motionless....