Live your religion

If we live our religion, there can be no doubt in our minds – or in the minds of others – that God is real.

Come, let me wash and heal you

Jesus says: 1  “‘If I do not wash you, you will not take part in my Kingdom.  (John 13:8) “Soul that I love, and all of you that I love, listen. It is I who speak to you, for I want to spend this hour with you. “I, Jesus, do not separate you...

Is your agenda about you or love?

Our job is not to control, judge or rescue others – unless of course they are too young or unable to help themselves. Our job is to love. Sometimes, all we can do is extend a helping hand, intervening if necessary – and try to show the way –...

Do not be a slave to your thoughts

How often we suffer needlessly because we automatically accept our random thoughts – or others’ – as absolute truth. We must learn to distinguish our inmost self and affirm our freedom to decide apart from thoughts that pass through our head, often...

If Love Exists …

If love exists – a love so vast and powerful as to create our universe with its billions of galaxies, stars and planets – then we are who are thinking, reasoning beings must ask ourselves what we are to make of it. If that same Love perfectly created the...