by Gordon Curry | Nov 14, 2012
The soul wants one thing, the ego another. The soul requires essential things for its sustenance. The ego desires this and that to satisfy its appetites. There is a constant battle within us where spiritual nutrition for the soul is pitted against empty but comforting...
by Gordon Curry | Oct 21, 2012
Jesus speaks about the conclusion of His third year of public life and how His works and teachings have aroused different reactions in different people. He raises the question whether we today, having at our disposal a fuller understanding of His life as presented in...
by Gordon Curry | Oct 14, 2012
Is it possible to know whether you are saved or not? Does salvation consist in a single act or profession of belief? Read the story of the rich young man and see what Jesus has to say about him, as well as others asking the same question. And finally, see what Jesus...
by Gordon Curry | Oct 8, 2012
Jesus gives an explanation of marriage to a Roman lady of high rank who comes seeking advice about a pending divorce. Jesus says: You would like to embrace our religion. One of the divine precepts of it is that woman is flesh of the flesh of her husband and that no...
by Gordon Curry | Oct 7, 2012
If we knew how much influence we truly could have, we might take God more seriously and collaborate with His plan to be who He intended us to be and be busy about His work as He intended us to carry it out. We each are a voice of the new evangelization and, if we but...