Living in the Freedom of God

God is—and always has been—about liberation. Liberation for our soul, for our entire being. There can be no complete and enduring liberation without living in the fullness of His Will, and without His Will living fully in the midst of creatures. His Volition and...

Liberating Love

Have you ever been in love? So much so that you easily gave your heart and soul to another person? To someone you trusted with all your being. Was there anything you wouldn’t do for that person? Was there any devotion that you would withhold? Would you make any...

Wholeness, Freedom and Gratitude

God does not heal us or make us whole so we can return with more vigor to our old ways of selfishness and sin. Though He leaves us free to decide, He heals us to live a fuller life in Him. Jesus often told those he healed to go and sin no more. But He could say to all...

Entering the Kingdom of God’s Will

Leave the “adult” behind. Childlikeness is the Price of Admission If the price of entry into the Kingdom of God–His Divine Will–is to become as a little child, then we must understand what that means and pursue it all costs. I think the main...

God’s Gift to You this Christmas

In our excitement and quest to experience Heaven on earth, we often fail to receive all the gifts Christ wants to give to us at Christmastime. He shares with us the very gifts presented to Him by the three Wise Men: The refined purity and spiritual wealth of gold The...

How do I know if I’m living in the Divine Will?

I often wonder if I’m really acting in the Divine Will. If I’m connected to God’s “electrical current.” We’ve been taught that no matter how small the act, it can participate in the Divine, Eternal Act of God. Yet, when making my...