Are you listening?
Looking in the mirror with the One who loves.
When God is teaching us about ourselves, it so important to take little breaths or breaks in our thinking, in the conclusions we draw and our eventual response.
Too often we reject the lesson God wishes to give because of the particular pain point involved.
Sometimes that is a result of an impure communication from a loved one, impure in that it might have other motives mixed in that are apparent to us and, unfortunately, give us a reason to reject everything outright. Sometimes it’s just our own muddled ideas or lack of inner quietness in the face of so many competing voices.
Usually, these lessons are not new, but often confirm what we already suspect or know about ourselves. And like waves lapping the shore, they roll in upon our consciousness once more to make a lasting impression, to wake us up.
There is no learning about ourselves without some pain involved. But this pain is almost always related to a bruised ego. We should expect the lessons and get used to the discomfort given we are creatures prone to seeking our comfort and taking the path of least resistance.
The point is to discern what God is saying to us. To understand something we haven’t fully grasped or acted on. Something God knows will transform our lives, release new energy and make us truly happy because we are becoming all we can to the delight of our Creator.
Dear Lord, help me to endure the momentary pain of your lesson and put my sensitive ego aside that I might receive the specific grace you wish to communicate. Bless me, Lord, so we may both delight in my continued growth.