Faith commits us to things, to actions, to achievements that are beyond our capabilities. It makes possible and, in fact, enables the good-willed aspirations of our hearts. Faith provides the space to hope and believe that God also wants the good that we want.
The underlying truth is that God is more on our side than we are. Faith is His gift to us to tap into the ever-present goodness, love and fondness that He has for each of His children. We do not have to conjure it up – which is a corrupted way of going about things anyway. It is already there.
God wants more than we do for us to be happy and set free from what binds us, pins us down and defeats us. He wants our relationships to be strong and harmonious, based in truth and perfect love. He wants us to be fruitful in our endeavors yielded up to Him for His perfecting touch. He wants us and everyone of our loved ones to celebrate the grandeur of infinite Love in Heaven together forever.
Our faith, real and sincere faith, is not some abstract concept or pie-in-the-sky thinking. It is spiritual and visceral. Visceral in that faith is connected to the hard facts of our lives. Faith meets the gravity or heaviness of our lives head on. It intersects us at the point of real issues. Faith is spiritual in that it ties us to the Divine Will of God, which was meant to be the prime operating principle in everyone of our lives.
Because life goes on, with its daily ups and downs, so too, our faith must continue. Faith is a commitment to constancy in seeking the embrace of the Divine Will and living our lives in congruency with love and truth. It is not an off-and-on approach, but binds us to relationship with God.
Too many diversions, as well as insisting on our egocentric and self-centered ways, dilute and undermine our faith. They keep us from achieving what we know or have decided is really important to us. Yet, we pursue them thinking we will find relief from the stress of life. In the end, they only add to our weariness, confusion, isolation and dissatisfaction.
Do not be afraid to ask God for the deepest longings of your heart. When you come to realize that something is not right in your life and your relationships, believe that God is calling it to your attention not to overwhelm you, but to get you to set in motion the miracle that will turn things around. A miracle that will require personal conversion as well as bring about change in others.
God already wants it. But He needs us to want it – and strongly – as well. And to apply to His providential love.
All things are possible that conform to God’s perfect designs. If you are willing to commit yourself to something in faith, to turn it over to God’s power knowing that He wants it more than you do, then go for it. Do not hold back. And be constant in your determination. Do so, and you will see the hand of God move decisively in your life.