
When I reign over and in the spirits who have reached that maturity which now belongs to individuals and will then belong to the entire mass of true Christians, I shall address this portion alone, perfecting it with the ultimate teaching, with a new evangelization, not different in the meaning, which cannot change, but in the power, which they will then understand and which today they would not understand. (Jesus to Maria Valtorta)

The goal of The New Evangelization website is to offer real food to the spiritually hungry and to quench the deep-down thirst of those who are searching for truth.

Where are we on the map of time? How did we get here? Where are we headed? For what purpose were we created? Is there some design behind it all? What must we do? This site will address these questions through the lens of the Divine plan. We will explore God’s master story in which we each have been given a leading role.

In brief, this is the story of God’s unfathomable love. That Love created all the beauty of the universe. It created man in God’s image for man’s own sake, redeemed man by entering time and space to point him back in the right direction, and sanctifies those who faithfully follow Him, eventually enabling them to enter a paradise where they will be deified in His presence for eternity.

Jesus, in his dictations and revelations to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta – which resulted in the five-volume Poem of the Man God, later retitled The Gospel As Revealed to Me – describes the reason for and the manner of the “new evangelization” in the following:

“I said that my new coming will have a new form and power consonant with the circumstances, and I explained to you what men will be like then. The time of the spirit must come.

“When I use special means it is to accelerate – for the times are moving faster – the fullness of the teaching of the Word and the fullness of the spiritual formation of the true disciples, of the true subjects of King Jesus Christ. Not the King of the Jews, as a weak man who thought he was strong with a poor power said and wrote, but the King of the World before the judgment of the world.

“When I reign over and in the spirits who have reached that maturity which now belongs to individuals and will then belong to the entire mass of true Christians, I shall address this portion alone, perfecting it with the ultimate teaching, with a new evangelization, not different in the meaning, which cannot change, but in the power, which they will then understand and which today they would not understand. The proof is that I must choose special creatures who are worthy of so much because of their own efforts or who have been rendered worthy through a miracle of love.

“For the time being I am preparing the future time by using particularly the Word that descends from the heavens to the souls ready to receive it. I make you into radio–telephone operators intent on hearing the teaching which is perfect and which I have already given and do not change, for the Truth is One, but it has been forgotten or deformed, excessively forgotten and excessively deformed, for it was useful to forget it or deform it.

“I am doing this because I have mercy on Humanity, which is dying without the bread of the spirit. As I have given Myself as bread for your souls, so I now offer my Word as bread for your spirits. And I repeat, ‘Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.'”

 (Maria Valtorta, The Notebooks 1943, Volume 1; used by permission of  the publisher Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri FR, Italy)