Are You Saved?
Is it possible to know whether you are saved or not? Does salvation consist in a single act or profession of belief? Read the story of the rich young man and see what Jesus has to say about him, as well as others asking the same question. And finally, see what Jesus says about one tremendous sinner who shows through his generosity that he thoroughly gets it – and who knows the essential thing it takes to be saved.
Jesus on Divorce and Marriage
Jesus gives an explanation of marriage to a Roman lady of high rank who comes seeking advice about a pending divorce. read more…
Masters and Doctors of Souls
Jesus tells the Apostle John and a disciple – both exemplars of love – what it means to be a priest, to be a master and doctor of souls. read more…
When God Was Man
Have you ever wondered what the expression on Jesus’ face looked like during his time on Earth? That is, the countenance of the Son of God, who when He was man, was joined in hypostatic union with the Father?
We catch a glimpse of this most perfect union, shining on the face of the Man-God during his public ministry, through they eyes of Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta. read more…
Leave your human way of thinking behind
If you want to reach Heaven or bliss with God faster, detach yourself more and more from a purely human way of thinking. read more…
The Magi: Super Models of Faith
Sometimes the best models of faith come from outside the faith. The holy daring of three wise men who traveled up to 1,200 miles to seek the Messiah shows us a powerful example of what it means to seek God with all of our strength – body, mind and soul. The following account of the Magi is compiled from divine revelations to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta. read more…
Purity of Heart, Obedience Summon God
Out of the one billion prayers said on earth every day, only a million request supernatural aid to do something that’s pleasing to God. The other 999 million request “human joy, money and health” – and sometimes even “death to gain freedom from someone who is hateful.” So says Jesus in a dictation to Maria Valtorta1 , a Catholic mystic who wrote extensively during the 1940s. read more…
Save a priest
Mary says:1
“Woe to those priests who lose their apostolic ardour! Also Jesus said that. But woe also to those who think that they are right in despising them! Because they consecrate and hand out the True Bread that descends from Heaven. And that contact makes them holy, just like a sacred chalice, even if they are not totally holy. They will answer to God for it. You must consider them as such and not worry about anything else. You must not be more strict than your Lord Jesus, Who, at their command, leaves Heaven and descends to be raised by their hands. You must learn from Him. read more…
Why we fail to get better
“Man, every man, possesses in himself the image which God has conceived of for Man. But not all men possess the likeness to God in themselves.”1
If all have God’s image, how is it possible they do not have his likeness?
Read on how the loss of God’s countenance in us and the resulting spiritual diseases of our lives are the result of our choosing and acquiescence – and why it doesn’t have to be so. read more…
A kingdom divided
[The following is from Poem of the Man-God, Maria Valtorta, pp. 721-727; used by permission of the publisher Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri FR, Italy]
The possessed man has been led before Jesus. He is motionless. People are gathering in the meantime. The notables of Capernaum are now there, and among them there are four Pharisees, Jairus is also there, and, in a comer, with the excuse of supervising order, there is the Roman Centurion, and citizens from other towns are with him.
“In the name of God, depart from the eyes and the tongue of this man! I want it! Set him free! You are no longer permitted to have him. Go away!” shouts Jesus stretching out His hands while giving the order.
The miracle begins with a howl of rage from the demon and ends with a cry of joy of the cured man who shouts: “Son of David! Son of David! Holy and King!”
“How can this man know that it was He Who cured him?” asks a scribe.
“It’s all a farce! These people are paid to do that!” says a Pharisee shrugging his shoulders. read more…