A New Evangelization
Jesus explains the coming of “a new evangelization” to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta:
“I shall evangelize, not as I [once] evangelized, but with a new power, for then the good will be not humanly good, as the disciples at my first coming were, but they will be spiritually good, and the wicked will be spiritually wicked, Satanically wicked, perfectly wicked. The form will thus be consonant with the circumstances, for if I were to use the form I used twenty centuries ago, it would be obsolete – for the perfect, in terms of goodness, and it would mean giving the Satanic ones a chance to cause an offense which it is not permitted to cause to the glorified Word. read more…
Come, let me wash and heal you
Jesus says: 1
“‘If I do not wash you, you will not take part in my Kingdom. (John 13:8)
“Soul that I love, and all of you that I love, listen. It is I who speak to you, for I want to spend this hour with you.
“I, Jesus, do not separate you from my altar even if you come to it with your souls damaged by wounds and diseases or wrapped in lianas of passions which humiliate you in your spiritual freedom, handing you over, bound, to the power of the flesh and its king: Lucifer. read more…
An Avalanche of Sin is Swallowing Us
How did our country become so corrupt? Why doesn’t God intervene to punish the “great sinners” and deliver the few believers who remain faithful? What good can come from all the evil that continues to go unchecked?
We live with these questions every day as the wickedness of our world seems to increase exponentially. And never before have we witnessed such a sense of powerlessness to do anything about it. read more…
Is Earth the Lost Sheep?
What if the “great Babylon” – the “great harlot” – mentioned in the Book of Revelation is not a specific location or institution, but encompasses the whole Earth and those who have sold out to the world system for a moment of triumph and glory?
Read God’s point of view on this topic – which sheds new light on the Catholic Church’s inquiry into extraterrestrial life – as revealed to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta and recorded in her Notebooks (Vol. 1):