Eve and Mary Both Born Immaculate
Eve, biological mother of humankind, and Mary, spiritual mother of humankind, were created free from the stain of sin; both were immaculate.
But what different paths they took.
One said “no” to God in the best of circumstances and the other said “yes” in the most difficult.
The Divine Gamble: The Creation of Man
God rolled the dice when He created man. And yet, He knew what He was doing. Backing His bet – the wager on the table – was the life of His own Son, Jesus.
On the other side of the bet was man’s free will and soul – threatened by the instigation of the Envious One. read more…
Getting Past Shame to Healing
If we are willing to get past the personal embarrassment – and if we have a safe, encouraging environment to heal in – we can transform areas of our lives where we experience deep shame or any other poverty or lack. read more…
2nd test from gmail3
2nd test from gmail3
2nd test from gmail3
Spiritual Alignment: Squaring with Truth
Being able to build an authentic, personal relationship with God – and reach souls with the greatest success – requires being squarely aligned with Truth. Not being so would be like starting a building project without first surveying the property and then squaring and properly orienting the foundation. Each thing that builds on a foundation that is even only slightly off will magnify the original error and throw the super-structure out of alignment. read more…
Forget Yourself, Speak Like the Master
“Have faith. A good act of faith in the omnipresent wisdom…. Everything [you need to say to reach souls] is in you. Your thoughts will wind off like a multicolored thread showing you light or strong hues according to what you require.” (Jesus in the writings of Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta) read more…
Realizing your Destiny through your Cross
The cross always comes down to a personal crisis. There is no impersonal cross – it is extremely personal.
God knows us in our core. God “gives” us our cross. The cross he gives, therefore, cannot be but personal on the most intimate level. read more…
Led by Love
“The highest love lies in sharing sorrow. This enables one to intuit God’s slightest desires and make them a reality in spite of all obstacles.”1
Love, if we are courageous and willing enough to follow it, will lead us far away from our comfort zone to accomplish what is seemingly impossible. read more…